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& Collaboration Software

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INOVEM cloud collaboration and online consultation software solutions are used by government departments, local authorities, health trusts, consulting firms, corporates and representative organisations to empower people to connect and work together better.

Our innovative web-based technology enables organisations and teams who want to involve, consult or collaborate with key stakeholders and the wider public to do so quickly, economically and without unnecessary barriers.

About us

Community consultation and engagement

澳洲5开奖号码历史查询 In all walks of life, stakeholder consultation is a necessary pre-requisite of many major decisions.

Our easy-to-use consultation software provides a robust, yet highly flexible, platform that will enable your staff to create, promote, manage, analyse and report on feedback using a variety of online engagement tools.

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Managing Local Plan consultations

Required by law, Local Planning Authorities must pro-actively engage and seek feedback on a local plans and associated policies from their local communities.

Our market leading planning consultation software is used by many local planning departments to capture and efficiently manage and report on the substantial number of views, ideas and objections that they receive from the public, planning agents and statutory stakeholders.

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Team collaboration, across organisations and geographies

Teamworking and secure information sharing with external stakeholders and partner organisations can be problematic as internal IT systems are often not well-suited to this task.

Irrespective of the size of your project, our fully accredited pay-as-you-go team collaboration software service makes it quick and easy to deploy secure online workspaces, supporting everything from small project teams to large communities of interest.

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Some of our many clients

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